Here are the rest of the pictures from that weekend. On Sunday after I was able to sleep for a few hours, David and his parents came over to hang out at my apartment for a while. It was fun to host them! It's still really strange not to have people over all the time, since that's such a big part of who I am.
Here David and I enjoyed a little "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?" He really likes books, but doesn't always sit in one place too long to get through the whole book!
I posted this last picture to ask a question of all you out there in blog-world. Any ideas on how to help David smile in pictures? He's such a happy, smiley kid most of the time, but you bring out a camera, and he just looks at it with this blank stare. Obviously not all the time, you've seen pictures of him smile, but much of the time. I find that I might snap 10 pictures and get one good one. While I know this is often the case (taking lots of pictures of kids for a good one), I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions?? I'm also finding that almost all of my pictures of him are slightly blurry, but that's more of a camera issue. If he moves even the slightest bit the camera produces a blurry shot. I don't have an "action" setting, but it's getting about time for an upgrade!
It may be a genetic programing from being part of a family that has seen too many cameras and pictures, thus making him incapable of smiling :)
Ha, ha! I'm sure my mom will get a kick out of that comment! :)
I love the pic of you and David reading the story. Maybe the key to smiling is to have another person behind you making faces and doing silly things to attrack his attention...that's what the crazy photographers do in the studio...
Or maybe it truly is genetic, who knows?
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