Saturday, March 10, 2007

I love being Auntie Kari!

Today has been a good day. How can it not be with this beautiful new little one? Here he is with the blanket I made for him that will soon become his favorite!

It started for me late last night when Julie and I took a walk in the hallway before bed, and she asked if I would stay overnight with her so David could go home to their dog and get a good night sleep in their bed (he's had a cold). How could I say no to that request? So, I ran home and got stuff, then came back to the hospital for a sleepover. It's been great to be needed! I slept from about 12:30am-4:30am. Julie and the baby have been doing a great job of feeding. It was great as the big sister to be able to watch my little sister do that, and really be able to start bonding with her baby. She'll be a great mom!

I'll still be in the Cities for another day and a half, and boy is it going to be hard heading back to Fergus this time!


Candis Berge said...

Oh Aunt Kari, he sure is cute and I love the picture of you holding him! Congratulations to your whole family!!

Brooke said...

What a cute little peanut! How could you not fall in love with him! You already are a great auntie!

CJ Olson said...

I love him in his blanket. It's definitely nice to be needed! :-) Hope you enjoy this time together!

Anonymous said...

Baby D is so lucky to have you as an auntie!!!!!!