Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Quick Answer to Prayer!

I wanted to share with you an exciting answer to prayer that I had today! As I was driving home from work, zipping around Fergus Falls quickly, I was thinking again about how much I like living here. I've been excited to move to the Cities, but I also really like Fergus! Of course there are times when I want to be more anonymous than I'm able to be here, but deep down inside I think it's pretty fun to go to just about any store and see someone that I know. I'm a small town girl at heart!

All of this said, I spent my three minute drive home praying that God would again make it clear that I'm supposed to move. I know that moving will help me reach a few goals even quicker, and it really seems like now is the time to go. So, I asked God for some sort of confirmation that this is really HIS plan, and not mine.

I walked in the door, and listened to a message, returned the call and got my answer! It turns out that the realtor I bought my house from heard that I might want to sell next spring/summer and he thinks he has someone who will be interested in buying it!! After a ten-minute phone call we put a few things in motion! Who knows what will happen from all this, maybe nothing at all, except that I sure got an answer to my prayer! God is so great!


Anonymous said...

oh wow's happening! God is great! Hopefully it all works out! I miss you!

CJ Olson said...

New thing!

Anonymous said...

Wow! God can work pretty fast, if that is what He wants. Boy, don't I know about that! :o) I will be praying for you, it all sounds so exciting!