Tuesday, February 22, 2011

View from the Deck

The weather here in the Appleton area has generally been much more mild than other places I've lived in the Midwest. It isn't Sunny Southern California and the ocean, but still a nice view!

We have pretty sunsets....

and last week just about all of our snow melted and you could see grass all around. You might even notice that the lake had lost all of the ice, except for just a few feet at the shoreline.

We really like the view from our deck! Here it is on either Friday or Saturday this past weekend.

Then Sunday came.

And we got more snow. Again.

I heard we got about 10 inches.

It's pretty. But it needs to melt.


Candis Berge said...

wow. A big change. I can't believe the before snow pictures - no snow, no ice on the lake - seriously? Wow.

And I have to get to Door county sometime too!

Mari said...

I was blog-surfing and came across your blog. I see you follow the Livesay blog from Haiti (the missionaries in Haiti that you don't know). I know them. Have been on mission to Haiti and have met them a couple of times. As you can probably tell from their blog, they are AMAZING people. Raw honesty, keepin' in real...love those people!

The Erickson Family said...

It all looks so beautiful! I love your "lake house". :o)